jana e. beck

@jebeck most places on the Internet, like GitHub and various Slacks; @iPancreas on Twitter.

you can also electronic mail me.


presently: data visualization engineer in Stitch Fix Algorithms

formerly: software engineer at Tidepool

on the side

most of the time, you can spy on my coding side projects on GitHub (because they are usually public).

lately, I'm mostly experimenting with music synthesis & visualization.

non-coding pursuits include ballet plus pilates and TRX to keep active.

I'm also a public transportation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a bit of a snob about coffee, and a movie nerd (but not that snobby of one).

I have a blog-shaped space where I very occasionally post, but I am always aspiring to post more frequently. maybe check it out.

the background image

(not on mobile)

is from inside the Szent Gellért tér station on the M4 metro line in Budapest, Hungary.

© jana e. beck, 2012–2021